
The Message of Zechariah: Your Kingdom Come is unavailable, but you can change that!

In oracles and visions, Zechariah challenged his hearers to return to the coming kingdom, to cleanse themselves in anticipation of the cleansing fountain of God’s grace, and to restore the city of Jerusalem in preparation for its coming glorification. The promises of God in the book of Zechariah are meant to fuel the faithfulness of God’s people and to prepare the way for the promised Messiah. ...

it is time now to pause and take stock. What has it all been about, and how does the enacted parable of the two shepherds, at the end, contribute to it? At the most general level the theme of these three chapters, as of the whole book, is the kingdom (rule) of God, from his triumphant progress to Jerusalem in 9:1–13, to the review of his dealings with Israel as their true shepherd (i.e. king) in 11:4–17. But within this framework there has been an extensive exploration of the role of human leaders,
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